wayfinding & room booking systems

Effective wayfinding is an art. The ability to guide visitors, customers, staff and stakeholders through a building or complex requires a robust and easy to navigate system, that’s intuitive and accessible to all.

Specialists in wayfinding design, Signbox offers many static wayfinding sign systems that are available in unlimited design choices to suit your brand. To compliment this range, we offer digital wayfinding systems, which allow users to interact and find their own way through a building or complex.

Digital Wayfinding Screens

Our outstanding interactive digital screens can be programmed with specialist wayfinding software built around the buildings floorplan and allowing users to find their way to rooms, book meeting spaces and so much more. 

Meeting Room Booking 

A specialist meeting room screen designed to sit at the entrance to a meeting room. The screen is linked to your internal booking system and displays all calendar events. It has the ability to be booked ad-hoc and displays a red or green light depending on the availability of the meeting room. 


AskCody is the ultimate wayfinding signage solution for large and dynamic indoor environments. Using any major smartphone, including iOS, Android and Windows mobile phones and QR, NFC and iBeacon to engage, AskCody is designed to guide people from entrance to rooms, people or appointment with directions and information that makes it easy to get from A to B.

Perfect for complex building environments, such as hospitals, university campuses and corporate headquarters, AskCody is the world’s first smartphone-based, indoor wayfinding solution. With the swipe of a smartphone across an NFC tag on arrival, your intuitive guide will take you to your destination of choice using the best route and appropriate staircases and lifts to classrooms, conference rooms, ATMs, shops, amenities, restrooms, auditoria and places of interest – anywhere in the building you have to reach.

Please click here for an overview.

And there’s more…

AskCody’s platform combines smartphone guidance, dynamic directory signage, virtual receptionist, interactive kiosks, dynamic maps, visitor management, and meeting room signage with intelligent room booking and facility management.

All solutions are web based and hosted on Microsoft Azure. All solutions are integrated into leading calendar and resource systems like Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013, Office 365 and Google Calendar and Active Directory.

For further information on AskCody’s modular solutions, please download the data sheets below:









To find out more about any of these wayfinding solutions, get in touch today sales@signbox.co.uk

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