Win a wallpaper graphic with the Signbox 30th anniversary competition

It’s hard to believe, that this year Signbox is turning 30!

And to celebrate we want to do something very special – something that both reflects what we do here and also creates a lasting moment in time. And, we want you, our customers, to be involved – because after all, where would we be without you?  ­

So, September this year, we are going to produce a very special and beautifully designed 30th Anniversary book titled ’30 Iconic Signs that Changed the World’.

How to get involved

Simply send us through an image or explanation of your favourite iconic sign or poster and your reason why it’s iconic to you. It could be the ‘Freedom’ slogan sprayed on the Berlin Wall, Obama’s ‘Yes we can’ banners or Lord Kitchener’s ‘Your country needs you’ war poster. It can even be a poster from a favourite gig or concert that changed or marked a turning point in your life for whatever reason.

It’s all up to you – we just want to know the result and the reason why!

The Prize

We will select 20 iconic signs and posters at random from those submitted, which will join another 10 in the book chosen by the team here at Signbox – one for every year Signbox has been in business.

All those who submit an entry will receive a copy of this exclusive book and will automatically be entered into a special prize draw to win a beautiful wallpaper graphic of the image they submitted; all installed by specialist Signbox fitters in their home or office.

Please email with your chosen iconic image. Those who are selected for the book and the winner of the personalised iconic sign wallpaper graphic will be notified in due course.

Help us create an iconic Signbox book for 2015!

Get in touch

